
Hello! My name is Jeremy De Guzman,
your graphic designer & photographer.


Originally hailing from Darwin, Jeremy De Guzman began his journey as a graphic designer and photographer when he relocated to Adelaide to study media and design in 2015. In 2018, he received his bachelor’s degree in media (graphic design) at the University of Adelaide. In 2021, he continued to do further study and graduated with a master’s degree in management (marketing) at the University of South Australia. Since then, he worked with a software company called Workfacta for a year as an intern and partnered with Cornerstone Alliance as a sub-contractor until 2023. Jeremy currently works at TafeSA. 


Jeremy is dedicated to achieving balance, consistency, and effectiveness in his work as a creative professional. He adopts a strategic and productive approach to consistently deliver high-quality, impactful solutions that perfectly align with his client’s needs.


Branding • DigitalIllustrationsMarketingPhotography • Print • Web Development • Learning Design • UX/UI Design • Motion • Video Production • Content Creation


Adobe Creative CloudCanva • AffinityGoogle WorkspaceMicrosoft 365WordPressWeTransferClickUpGoogle AnalyticsH5PMoodle


TafeSACornerstone AllianceEat-A-PizzaFECCALightbox StoryTrinity Church LockleysWorkfacta